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“The Thermostat Approach: How to Navigate Family Dynamics with Precision”

Introduction: Not Controlling the Environment If I am honest to the reader, I have not always grasped the concept of controlling the environment in my home. In the tapestry of my life, my home served as both sanctuary and battleground, where I waged wars against external elements and internal struggles alike. My challenge still lies […]

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It’s Not “Dumb” or “Stupid” : Why Husbands and Dads Should Avoid Invalidating Their Loved Ones.

Dear Husbands, Let me make this short, sweet, and to the point… In a world where respect and understanding are fundamental to healthy relationships, the language we use towards our loved ones holds immense significance. Too often, husbands inadvertently undermine the emotions of their loved ones by negating or dismissing their feelings—not realizing our words

It’s Not “Dumb” or “Stupid” : Why Husbands and Dads Should Avoid Invalidating Their Loved Ones. Read More »

“Unpacking the 5 Biblical Roles of a Husband!”

In the journey of marriage, embracing the 5 Biblical roles of a husband can strengthen the foundation of a marriage. The Bible offers valuable insights into the responsibilities of a husband, outlining five essential roles that contribute to a fulfilling and God-centered marriage. As I reflect on my upbringing, I’m grateful that for the love

“Unpacking the 5 Biblical Roles of a Husband!” Read More »

“Break the Cycle: She’s Not Interested in a Week Change & She’s Not Interested in a Weak Change”

I have been married to my wife for 11 years. It started out great but went sour quickly. The status of my marriage was very unhealthy and on the brink of divorce, and throughout the hustle of daily life, I found myself constantly pointing out my wife’s shortcomings, oblivious to the cracks forming in our

“Break the Cycle: She’s Not Interested in a Week Change & She’s Not Interested in a Weak Change” Read More »

The 5 Rules of Biblical Communication: “Mastering the Art of Communication with Your Spouse”

The Vulnerability Introduction Proverbs 18:21 “The Tongue Has the Power of Life & Death, and Those Who Love It Will Eat Its Fruit.” It was year five in our marriage, and we were sitting in our first counseling session when I first heard the terms “minimizer and maximizer.” In most relationships, there is a minimizer

The 5 Rules of Biblical Communication: “Mastering the Art of Communication with Your Spouse” Read More »

Embracing Change: The Art of Seeking Marriage Reconciliation

The decision to separate often carries profound implications. It is a path that diverges, leaving couples navigating a realm of uncertainties. Surprisingly, amidst the complexity, a glimmer of hope exists – statistics indicate that a notable 10 to 15% of separated married couples find their way back to reconciliation (Click Link Here). In the complicated

Embracing Change: The Art of Seeking Marriage Reconciliation Read More »