About Me

A regular dude trying to be the best I can for my family and this world.

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West Virginia born and raised, I grew up in a rural town where everyone knew everyone and it was safe to let your kids run loose from sunup to sundown. 

Athletics were my life and something I took great pride in. I was great at everything I tried.  Can you imagine with that mindset, that I’m great at everything, the trip I had when adulthood hit me right in the face and I realized that success in the real world wasn’t as easy as hitting home runs or diving into the end zone.  Despite sports teaching me many invaluable lessons they certainly did not prepare me for the real world.  I tended to hop from job to job and woman to woman as I was trying to figure it all out. My parents, God love their souls, we’re always there to rescue me from myself which I didn’t realize until later was truly to my demise in the long run.  From DUIs, to having a child out of wedlock, to an attempted marriage then divorce my life felt out of control. I felt I had no purpose. I was aimlessly wondering looking for something to fill a void I didn’t even realize was there.  Thankfully, I am now married to the woman of my dreams and boy has she provided me love and stability but through some hard truths. It’s funny how God uses hard circumstances to humble us enough to the point where only he can rescue us.

My hope for you visiting this page is that my struggles past and present help you either avoid some of the same mistakes I’ve made and/or help you get through some of your own current struggles. 


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